List of Early Termination Events

Date Time ISIN Longname Underlying
24/05/17 9:00:01 AM NLBNPIT231S8 Bpa Tb Lg Dax 18750 B 18750 190624 DAX
24/05/17 12:59:55 AM DE000VD40FW4 Von Tb Sh Eur/Jpy 168.4 B 168.4 Op End EUR/JPY
24/05/16 9:14:52 PM DE000VM6HLX9 Von Tb Sh Alibaba G 87.26 B 87.26 Op End ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LTD
24/05/16 8:53:50 PM NLBNPIT1Y4R9 Bpa Tb Sh Moderna I 132.8 B 132.8 Op End Moderna Inc
24/05/16 8:12:39 PM DE000VD40EF2 Von Tb Lg Amazon In 184.5 B 184.5 Op End AMAZON INC
24/05/16 6:50:58 PM DE000HD2T3D8 Uch Cc G/Enel/Eni/Ucg 50 180227 G/ENEL/ENI/UCG
24/05/16 6:50:58 PM DE000HD2T3C0 Uch Cc Intesa Sanpaolo/Unicred 50 180227 INTESA SANPAOLO/UNICREDIT/BANCO BPM/BPER
24/05/16 6:50:57 PM DE000HD2T3B2 Uch Cc Sg/Ucg/Bnp/Bpm 50 180227 SG/UCG/BNP/BPM
24/05/16 6:50:56 PM DE000HD2T351 Uch Cc Ucg/Eni/Bpm 50 180227 UCG/ENI/BPM
24/05/16 6:50:56 PM DE000HD2T385 Uch Cc Intesa Sanpaolo/Banco B 50 180227 INTESA SANPAOLO/BANCO BPM/UNICREDIT
24/05/16 6:50:54 PM DE000HD2SU97 Uch Cc Unicredit/Banco Bpm 50 180227 UNICREDIT/BANCO BPM
24/05/16 6:50:54 PM DE000HD28DE1 Uch Exp Generali/Bpm/Enel/Stel 60 200128 GENERALI/BPM/ENEL/STELLANTIS
24/05/16 6:50:53 PM DE000HD1W4S0 Uch Cc Bpm/Enel/Isp/Monc 50 210127 BPM/ENEL/ISP/MONC
24/05/16 6:50:52 PM DE000HD1UFB0 Uch Cc Bpm/Enel/Isp/Stlam 50 210127 BPM/ENEL/ISP/STLAM
24/05/16 6:50:52 PM DE000HD1UF69 Uch Cc Bpm/Enel/Isp/Stlam 60 210127 BPM/ENEL/ISP/STLAM
24/05/16 6:50:44 PM DE000HC46DD7 Uch Cc Bnp Paribas/Credit Agri 50 200225 BNP PARIBAS/CREDIT AGRICOLE/ISP/SOC GEN
24/05/16 5:30:00 PM DE000UH3P5K5 Ubs Exp Societe Generale/Unicr 59 241125 SOCIETE GENERALE/UNICREDIT/BPER BANCA
24/05/16 5:10:11 PM NLBNPIT22736
24/05/16 5:04:19 PM NLBNPIT231Q2
24/05/16 5:04:19 PM NLBNPIT23189

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